Where students will be conferred with a professional degree, Bachelor of Arts Program in Music Entrepreneurship, which each of them will focus on selected aspect of interests up to his/her future prospected music profession in the entertainment industry. All music studies and lessons will not just enrich the students’ instrumental skills accomplishment but also to boot up music business mind to the limit. The program is aimed to direct the students’ musical talents in supplementing with music business courses in different area of concentrations such as Music Production, Music Business Data Analytics, Songwriting, Music Performance, etc. Alternatively, they will also have a chance to choose a minor in other business oriented to sharpen their entrepreneurial potentiality such as business management, digital marketing, advertising, computer graphics or a various business languages (English, Chinese, French, or Japanese) if they are interested in.
The students in our program will get opportunities to learn with professional artists, successful entrepreneurs, and well-known music business Gurus who are specialized in the music industry both domestic and international levels. In this way, the curriculum will equip all students with concrete knowledge and skillfulness as a player and music business entrepreneur in this multifaceted industry. Moreover, the program will fulfill the students in the area of music marketing, artist management, legal aspects in music business related, including music technology to make sure that they will be ready to work in the world of digital music era.
English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for efficient communication in various contexts.
The approach to pursuit ofhappiness from personal experience and professional goals. Basic principles ofpositive psychology with recent scientific studies on happiness. Design thinking approach to discover a visionfor a personal life and the future career and to get clear on a purpose forlife. The appreciation in the beauty of arts, music,cinemas, dramatic works, and dances through imagery and sound.
Survey of the music industry, highlighting those areas where music and business intersect. Career possibilities in the music industry, the development of business-related knowledge and skills necessary for effectively maintaining a professional music career, the vocabulary and terminology of the music industry, and the distinction between music and business at the corporate level.
Fundamental of producer skills such as basic arranging, basic recording, basic editing, basic mixing. Including, management and financial for producing music
Overview history and literature of music from different periods with emphasis on stylistic traits and theoretical concepts of the eras.
Fundamentals of music (scales, keys, intervals, chords, rhythm and meter) with an introduction to basic musical form, cadences, non-chord tones, modes, dominant and diatonic seventh chords, instrumental transposition, diatonic harmonic function, part-writing, harmonization and score analysis.
Development of group singing skills, basic vocal production and techniques, sight-singing skills, practice variety of choral works in unison, cannon, and simple arrangement. Attending the choral concert and performing one major concert are required.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including master classes, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Fundamental concepts of marketing, includingethical issues, challenges, trends, channels, tools, platforms, and strategyformulation to implement and enhance marketing performance of goods andservices.
Communicative English using various language learning strategies, reinforcing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through interactive activities in various contexts.
The development of human society, achievements,and heritages of Western and Eastern civilizations since ancient times in orderto understand their roots; globalization impacts on modern societies;cross-cultural society. It will helphuman beings to be aware of researching and searching for information thatconnects the past and the present.
The introduction of audio theory with the topics of sound physics, acoustics, basic electronics, signal flow, and sound reinforcement.
Techniques of motion and graphic for producing any kind of visual works associated with music, including a music video or short film, and the use of graphic and video editing software.
Introduction to photographic techniques for musicians, i.e., exposure, camera controls, digital printing, file management. Exploration of creative possibilities and thematic modes of photography.
Development of performance techniques, music skills, and interpretation of fine art music upon student’s area of expertise (instrumental / vocal).
Chromatic harmonic function: secondary dominants, modulation, mode mixture and the Neapolitan chord. Further development of part-writing skills, harmonization, and score analysis.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Application of economic theories in business.Topics included cost-benefit analysis, opportunity cost, demand and supply, competitionand market structures, macroeconomic indicators and policies.
Academic English with a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing high-level reading, writing,listening, and speaking skills essential for effective learning at the university level
The interrelationship of human beings, science, technology, andnature, natural resources utilization on future environmental challenges, theimportance of natural capital and ecosystem services on sustainability, theimportance of sustainable natural resources for future.
Digital marketing with an integrated and optimized marketing plan to build up digital touchpoints, generate interest in music, and distribute music online.
Acquisition of technical, interpersonal, and group skills needed in the development of professional quality song demos. Using MIDI, Software Instrument, and Audio recording to complete a wide variety of musical projects.
Further development of performance techniques, music skills, and interpretation of fine art music based on improvement from the previous course (instrumental/vocal).
Keyboardtechniques and chord voicing, the understanding of more concepts including scales and chord progressions
Fundamental of songwriting techniques, development of basic skill through the awareness of form, melody, harmony, bass line pattern, rhythm, lyric, and vocal considerations.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Fundamental financial issues and tools inconducting business and essential financial issues including types and sourcesof capital raising, interest rate, loans, time value of money, financialstatements analysis, financial planning, and project decisions.
Application of data analytics concept inbusiness. The topics include data collection, data preparation/cleansing,application of basic statistical methods to data analysis, result presentation,and visualization.
Advanced English for academic purposes with a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing critical and analytical thinking in reading, writing, listening, and speaking essential for effective learning at the university level.
Communication theories and online social mediaprocess, digital content creation, visual creation and copy writing to persuadeusers, social media analytics on each platform, analytics for consumer insight and target.
Music video and live performance video production for online and social networks using camera, video equipment and Final Cut Pro X.
Further development of performance techniques, music skills, and interpretation of fine art music based on improvement from the previous course (instrumental/vocal).
Development of techniques as band or ensemble players and study of selected repertoire to performance standard
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Communication skills in Thai language inlistening, speaking, reading, and writing, active listening, comprehensivereading, analyze main idea and supporting details, write an article, projectand meeting minute, public speaking, special-occasion speeches
Legal issues that associated with artists,musicians, engineers, producers; legal changes and challenges alert, realapproach to legal matters between individuals’ working procedure andstakeholders in the music business world today, including national andinternational copyright law and ethics.
Fundamentals of business intelligence, high-level knowledge and insights, Big Data, data mining,machine learning, strategic planning, data acquisition, data manipulation, data analytics tools.
Further development of performance techniques, music skills, and interpretation of fine art music based on improvement from the previous course (instrumental/vocal)
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Fundamentals of the research writingand proposal,literature review, and qualitative and quantitative research methods in musicentrepreneurship.
Marketing and financefeasibility in music business, feasibility tools for decision making, paybackperiod analysis, a comparative analysis between NPV and IRR, internal rate ofreturn, risk management in business.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Internship with a company in the music industry for at least 240 hours.
Teachingsof major world religions, the role of conscience, self-development in the moralarena, building self-esteem, self-knowledge, and good habit, distinguishing theright and the wrong, do the right and refrain from the wrong, attaining a morefulfilling life.
Individual project on a topic or area related to the selected concentration (or) minor courses.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.
Launch and run a successful live music venue andthe essential components of a successful concert: from assembling a managementteam to alternative streams of income with effective merchandising, promotiontechniques and sponsorships.
Selected issues in music entrepreneurship based on individual interest, research in the field of music business with content to be developed through primary research, visits to various businesses and personal interview
Implementation of the proposed project related to the selected concentration (or) minor courses and preparation for the presentation.
Attendance weekly or as announced in related music events recognized or organized by the School of Music, including masterclasses, concerts, recitals, workshops, seminar, and guest lectures.